Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Striped Rug

I absolutely love the striped rug in my mommy and daddy's bedroom. I lay on it all the time.

I bark on it.

I roll around on it.

I laugh on it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sleepy Sunday

I am so very tired today. I had a busy day yesterday visiting my grandparents in Lebanon, PA...and played the afternoon away with my cousin Ozzy. It was so much fun. I just found out that my other grandparents from Long Island are stopping by for lunch today. Gotta get some rest in...and there is no better place to sneak a quick nap than my mommy and daddy's bed.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scarf Season Is Here!

The cooler weather has finally arrived. This has me very excited because now I can start wearing my scarves again. My one grandma has made me countless scarves that I love wearing...but my mommy says it is too hot to wear them during the summer.

Today when my mommy put this one on me I started acting like a crazy dog. I was running around the apartment...I was SO happy!

I'm hoping the cooler weather is here to stay. I can't wait to pick out a new scarf to wear tomorrow!!! I'm one fashionable pup...don't you think?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Puppy In The Fireplace

This morning I came across a puppy in our fireplace. I stood there and barked and growled at it. I wouldn't leave him out of my sight. My mommy said it is just my reflection...but I don't understand what that is. I really wish he would just come out and play with me.